My Music Server
I made a personal music server. Check it out at
It's a Subsonic server running from a Raspberry Pi I have at always running at home. It's synced with my music library that I maintain on my main computer and that I also share on Soulseek (my username is vojoslav, if you're interested in adding me).
I wanted to cancel my Spotify subscription for some time now, but I couldn't think of a way to have my music library (aroung 30 gigs at time of writing) outside of my house. I've been using it for about a week now and there weren't any major problems (there was a couple of times where I couldn't connect from my phone, but only for a period of time, after that it resumed normally). Hopefully it continues working fine and I can switch over completely and stop giving my money to Spotify!
Feel free to check it out using the guest user. Enjoy!
uploaded: Sun, 08 Aug 2021tags: